Memorial Day Tip: Great Press Releases Aren’t Just Newsworthy, They Become News
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Many hold the misconception that when they write a press release, their main objective should be to get the attention of journalists who will be inspired to write about the message it contains. Although traditionally this has been the case, modern times calls for more modernized measures (and expectations). The truth is that when writing press releases today, they should be newsworthy enough to well…become the news.
The goal of writing press releases is to get media attention. Meeting this goal in modern times requires writing great copy that is worthy of getting published. With online distribution channels making the dissemination of press releases easier (and far more rampant) it increases the chances of well written content released on the web becoming included in the news feeds of top ranked publications. Therefore sending out releases that are anything less than stellar news items is a disservice to one’s own interests.
So how does one know whether their press release is up to snuff with the likes of say a New York Times publication? The following are three things to consider when making this assessment:
Is the piece too self-indulgent? – Marketing fluff pieces aimed at making a sale are not news. Enough said.
Is the piece written from a journalist’s perspective? – Stepping into the shoes of a journalist helps remove the bias some may have when it comes to assessing whether their release is newsworthy. Bias can hinder its ability to cross over the threshold of prime news territory.
Would you want to see the release in your favorite news publication? Be honest – If you read your release and can’t imagine why your favorite news publication would include it in its line up, then maybe some serious revisions are in order.
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